04 December 2016

Cfish 031216 Android Chess Engine

CFish 031216

   CFish, a port of Stockfish written in plain C by Ronald de Man, first published on GitHub in July 2016. Possibly inspired by the asmFish project to speed up Stockfish using a programming language closer to the machine, the purpose of CFish is to explore possible optimization issues of C versus C++ compiler.


armv7-pgo, armv7-nopie, arm64v8 : HERE

Stockfish 031216 Android Chess Engine

Stockfish 031216

   Stockfish is a free UCI chess engine derived from Glaurung 2.1. It is not a complete chess program and requires some UCI-compatible GUI (e.g. XBoard with PolyGlot, eboard, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner or Fritz) in order to be used comfortably. Read the documentation for your GUI of choice for information about how to use Stockfish with it.
   This version of Stockfish supports up to 128 cores. The engine defaults to one search thread, so it is therefore recommended to inspect the value of the Threads UCI parameter, and to make sure it equals the number of CPU cores on your computer.
This version of Stockfish has support for Syzygybases.


armv7-pgo, armv7-nopie, arm64v8 : HERE   =>  HERE

02 December 2016

Bobcat 8.0 Android Chess Engine

Bobcat 8.0

   Bobcat, a strong open source chess engine under the GNU General Public License, written in C++ by Gunnar Harms. The so far only concrete implementation of the abstract protocol class supports UCI. The development started in the second half of 2008.
   Bobcat is a bitboard engine and uses Pradu Kannan's magic bitboards to determine sliding piece attacks, and (conditionally compiled) Matt Taylor's folded forward bitscan.


armv7-pgo, armv7-nopie, arm64v8 : HERE


arm64v8 : HERE